Figen Test Station is the engine of our breeding program. The station carries out individual tests on approximately 2500 purebred and Muscle boars each year. Boar candidates come in from the nucleus farms at 30 kg for the 14 weeks test period. We measure daily gain, feed conversion, meat and carcass quality and conformation. 100-150 of the best boars are selected for AI use. In addition, boars are sold to domestic and foreign farms. The remaining boars are slaughtered at the Snellman meat processing plant and their carcass weight, meat percentage and quality are measured to contribute to the BLUP breeding value evaluation. The test station is located in the village of Längelmäki, central Finland.
Figen AI Station is home to some 100 purebred Landrace, Large White and Muscle boars that produce the latest genetic progress for breeding and for commercial pig production. The high-quality fresh boar semen is distributed to finisher and nucleus farms in Finland and all over the world. On average, a boar spends less than one year at the AI. The AI station is located in the village of Kauhava, western Finland.
All Figen’s terminal sire line Muscle boars originate from the specialized Muscle farm. The most promising Muscle boar candidates enter the test station. After the individual test, the best Muscle boars are selected for AI use or sold domestically or exported.
Figen’s female breeding population is located at the nine nucleus farms that are contracted with Figen Ltd. They share the common breeding program principles and practices run by Figen. All nucleus farms follow the jointly agreed mode of action in breeding work, where inseminations are planned centrally. The breeding population is approximately 400 heads strong for both breeds, Figen Landrace and Figen Large White.
Kuusisaarentie 1
68600 Pietarsaari, Finland
Tel: +358 6 786 6111
Figen is a part of the Snellman Group.