Figen swine genetics creates potential for economical production of large, muscular, efficient commercial pigs.
GeneticsFigen's main export products are Purebred Boars, Gilts and Boar Semen - Figen Landrace and Figen Large White.
ProductsThe main Figen strength is the healthy, large and efficient commercial pig – live weight at 125-130 kg.
Why Figen?Choose Figen Matriarch as the economically efficient solution for piglet production.
Figen Matriarch lineFigen Muscle terminal boar is the best choice for efficient and economical meat piglet production.
Figen MuscleKuusisaarentie 1
68600 Pietarsaari, Finland
Tel: +358 6 786 6111
Figen is a part of the Snellman Group.